


Support our crowdfunding campaign on Rockethub.com, and purchase your a Hemoglobin to fund our Diabetes Education Campaign to bring awarnes to the Glycated Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) blood test.


Hemoglobin (haemoglobin) is the protein responsible for transporting oxygen molecules from our lungs to the cells of our bodies. Hemoglobin is composed of four protein chains: 2 Alpha chains and 2 Beta chains. Each chain contains a ring-like HEME Group (red x4) with an iron atom core. Bound to each iron atom inside the protein is a single Oxygen (O2) molecule (blue x4).

This scientific model of Hemoglobin is an exact reproduction of protein data-set 1HHO. Hemoglobin is the protein found inside red blood cells and the HEME Groups give our blood its red color. Each sphere of the model represents the unique position of an atom. This 4 inch model is 18, 549, 827 times larger than the 55 Angstrom diameter protein. The Hemoglobin protein model is made from high quality plastics, manufactured locally by skilled fabricators here on the east coast. Purchase now and receive an advanced copy of the upcoming electronic book: The Story of Hemoglobin, protein from inside a red blood cell.