Biologic Models

Scientific models as large as organs or as small as molecules

Activated_TCell_WithNucleus_4_smWe create engaging educational products that introduce people of all ages and backgrounds to scientific ideas through tactile communication. Our physical models and digital interactives are complimentary communication tools that enhance information exchange through direct interpersonal communication.

Hemoglobin_Biologic_Design_Homepage_4Protein Data brought to life

Biologic Design creates scientific models of proteins and molecules from x-ray crystallography data of actual molecules. We use this data to receate digital models that we can than use to fabricate physical models or bring the data to life as mechanism of action animated stories. Our team of scientists, artists and model makers work closely together to explore protein data sets, hunting for subtle information about binding sites, conformational changes, ribbon structures, or amino acid mutations.  We are a group of people that specialize in working with protein data, and high quality model making.  We take great pride in performing our craft at the greatest level of professionalism and execution.  Having developed a unique process to manufacture proteins out of durable plastic materials, our protein models become physical conduits for science education.

3D Printing and Beyond

Tyrosine Kinase domain of cKit Receptor (Hydrophobicity color coded) with Imatinib (Grey) bound

3D printing is revolutionizing the world of manufacturing, transforming protein data into physical objects.  These “one of a kind” prints can be custom tailored to meet any healthcare, educational, or promotional initiative.

Do you need more than just one protein?  Our durable plastic models can be mass produced, facilitating demand of any scale. These plastic models can be custom tailored to any pantone color, reproducing proteins as small hand held educational models, or large display pieces.

Educational Tools for Healthcare Professionals

Doctors tell us, they need educational tools to discus protein specific issues related to diseases with patients, and currently don’t have the tools to do so.  Biological models such as ours offer doctors the chance to not only speak directly to the invisible nature of disease but SHOW patients the consequences of disease, addressing health and therapy in ways never before seen. These exchanges create memorable experiences, increasing the doctor/patient bond which is shown to increase compliance and improve the quality of patient’s care.  Doctors can now simply point to a biological model and inform patients about information related to their disease or therapy that otherwise would be described as a number or confusing scientific jargon.  Educational impact from our protein models is immediate and memorable.

3D print with internal ribbon structure of HIV Protease

Our protein models are designed with physicians and healthcare professionals, determining their needs and concerns so that our educational aids speak on behalf of healthcare professionals.  Understanding HCP’s needs and concerns is the number one priority of our design process.  It is through the collaboration with the academic and healthcare professionals that allows us to create high-impact patient educational aids.

Video exploration of Human Hemoglobin

Model Type: Durable Plastic

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